

All the news of Cascina Triulza

SOCIAL INNOVATION CAMPUS 2025. VI edition “TALENTS 4 SOCIAL INNOVATION: SKILLS IN COMPLEXITY” The SOCIAL INNOVATION CAMPUS of Fondazione Triulza is back on February 26th and 27th, 2025! The Social Innovation Campus, the main event in Italy about Social Innovation, offers free acivities for young people and students of Secondary Schools, IFTS and ITS courses, Universities and recent graduates.…
Fondazione Triulza has successfully registered as Third Sector Organizationin the Single National Third Sector Register (RUNTS), following the Third Sector Reform which regulated the world of associations and other non-profit entities.…
14,000 euros in prizes for the best projects of the A City in MIND Competition for elementary and middle school and for the thesis candidates for the Call 4 Ideas on microplastics Sectoral and orientation meetings with 50 representatives from the world of profit and non-profit enterprises, research, universities, ITS for 700 high school students Since 2018, 11,100 children and young people have already been involved from primary schools to universities in the project promoted by Arexpo, Lendlease and Fondazione Triulza in partnership with Gruppo San Donato, Human Technopole and in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Milano, Politecnico di Milano and JRC-European Commission 200 participants in the award ceremony on Saturday, May 11th, at the end of MIND Innovation Week and as part of the Festival for Sustainable Development.…
On the occasion of the G7 Transport in Milan, Fondazione Triulza organized the hackathon “Smart mobility and infrastructures: innovation at the service of the community” at MIND – Milano Innovation District on Thursday, April 11th.…
Thursday, April 11, as part of the Hackathon “Smart mobilities and infrastructures: innovation at the service of the community”, promoted in partnership with Microsoft and in collaboration with CIMA – the ITS Campus, Fondazione Triulza had the honour of hosting the Ambassador of the USA to Italy, Jack Markell, who participated in the Hackathon awards event together with a delegation composed of Douglass Benning, U.S.…
Fondazione Triulza, in collaboration with Microsoft and the city of Bornasco, presents “Bornasco Wave – Music&WebRadio Summer Labs”, a week of free workshops for teenagers from 11 to 17 years old who are interested in comunicative and creative potencial of audio, webradio and music narration.…
Ten years ago, on 13 July 2013, Fondazione Triulza was born with the aim of participating in EXPO Milano 2015 and managing the first Civil Society Pavilion in the history of Universal Expositions: Cascina Triulza.…
June 30th was the deadline of the MATCH I.S. call for applications from startups and innovative cooperatives to tackle the challenges proposed by A2A and Lendlease. MATCH I.S. is an initiative to promote social innovation in Lombardy organized by Fondazione Triulza and PlusValue with the support of Finlombarda S.p.A.…
During the Social Innovation Campus 2023, Fondazione Triulza and PlusValue in collaboration with the Lombardy Region, with the support of Finlombarda and with the stakeholder network of MIND – Milano Innovation District presented the international challenge “MATCH I.S.…
The Social Innovation Campus, one of the main appointments in Italy about Social Innovation, offers FREE INITIATIVES for young people and students of secondary schools, IFTS and ITS courses, universities and recent graduates.The activities will take place in PRESENCE and ONLINE, to give the opportunity to participate to students from all regions of Italy and from abroad, and are certifiable as PCTO and Citizenship Education.As places are limited, we suggest schools to pre-register to ensure their participation and to be able to include the chosen initiatives in the educational project for the 2023/2024 school year.…
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