
Fondazione Triulza was the only entity that continued to be operational on site after the conclusion of Expo Milano 2015, keeping on with its activities in Cascina Triulza – today Lab Hub for Social Innovation and Sustainable Development. Our aim is to make social and environmental impact a central part of the development of the area Milano Innovation District. Fondazione Triulza is born from a network of 71 associations and organizations pertaining to different areas of the Third Sector: cooperation, social promotion, culture and finance, tourism, education and protection of the territory.
These associations were the heart of the Cascina Triulza Civil Society Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015. Moreover, a network of guest realities joined the project during the six months of universal exposition.
The network of Fondazione Triulza includes also other third sector realities, participating in the Cascina Triulza project through Exponiamoci – Association for Participation in Expo 2015.

The Founders

Supporting Partners

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