Social Tech

Social Tech is a module  of capacity building, improvement and technology transfer targeting cooperatives, startups or those who want to start a new one with impact projects involving new technologies.  The project is promoted by Fondazione Triulza in partnership with Fondo Sviluppo-Confcooperative, Coopfond-Legacoop and General Fond-AGCI. An annual event that has been consolidated thanks to the pilot edition (in 2020) supported by the Fondazione di Comunità Milano Onlus, through the “Miracle in Milan” project.

The module includes:

  • Targeted scouting to bring out the cooperative excellences and give them visibility at a national level;
  • Assessment of the project to identify specific needs;
  • Coaching  for the development of the social innovation project through the Competences Bank made of organisations and professionals offering services, training and support free of charge;
  • Training on key issues;
  • Participation in the annual contest of the Social Innovation Campus with wide visibility towards strategic stakeholders;
  • Immersion in MIND, an advanced development laboratory with showcase activities, networking and matching. 

Link to specific information on the different editions:

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