Innovation Week ends with the MIND Education VII Award Ceremony

14,000 euros in prizes for the best projects of the A City in MIND Competition
  • 14,000 euros in prizes for the best projects of the A City in MIND Competition for elementary and middle school and for the thesis candidates for the Call 4 Ideas on microplastics
  • Sectoral and orientation meetings with 50 representatives from the world of profit and non-profit enterprises, research, universities, ITS for 700 high school students
  • Since 2018, 11,100 children and young people have already been involved from primary schools to universities in the project promoted by Arexpo, Lendlease and Fondazione Triulza in partnership with Gruppo San Donato, Human Technopole and in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Milano, Politecnico di Milano and JRC-European Commission
  • 200 participants in the award ceremony on Saturday, May 11th, at the end of MIND Innovation Week and as part of the Festival for Sustainable Development.

Saturday, May 11 MIND Education awards event

More than 200, including children and young people of primary and middle schools, high school students and graduates, accompanied by their professors, parents and friends, participated Saturday, May 11th at the Award Ceremony of the seventh edition of the MIND Education project. A real celebration of innovation and sustainability – with collaborative robotics laboratories and guided tours of the district – where the protagonists were the projects, the ideas and testimonies of the young generations who once again demonstrated creativity and concreteness in designing and imagining a sustainable, accessible and inclusive city of the future… for everyone. There could not be a better ending for the Innovation Week.

MIND Education has involved in this school year about 1,100 students and, in addition to offering a total prize pool of 14,000 € – most of it intended for schools to purchase equipment or educational activities -, has offered the opportunity to children to respond with ingenuity to the challenges of our cities and young people to deepen with over 50 speakers and testimonies the opportunities for training and work of stakeholders present in MIND. Since 2018, MIND Education pursues the goal of involving young people and putting them at the center of the MIND development project, making them aware protagonists of the city of the future: in these first 7 editions, the program has already reached over 11,100 students from primary schools to universities and awarded 109,000 euros in prizes.

MIND Education has now become a joint project of the district of innovation, which in each edition evolves with new formats and content in line with the paths of education to citizenship, orientation and paths PCTO, in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Promoted by Arexpo, Lendlease and Fondazione Triulza, the latest edition has developed thanks to the partnership with the San Donato Group, the collaboration with Human Technopole, University of Milan, Politecnico di Milano and JRC-European Commission, and the support of the business network Think Smart Mobility @MIND.

The public institutions and the Lombardy Regional School Office consider the Project a model of guidance for students of all ages. “It is important that all public, private and social realities present in MIND, very attentive to innovation, impact and sustainability, continue to be protagonists in the training and involvement of new generations. Not only to transfer their skills and opportunities but also to receive from young people new visions and a sense of the future. The path of sustainability is traced and must be pursued”, says Massimo Minelli, President of Fondazione Triulza. “It is important that through MIND Education young people know the context and opportunities offered by MIND for their future career choices and training. But it is also important to involve young people to help us, through their proposals or their research, to increase the awareness of all towards sustainability”, says Mauro Capitanio, Sales Director, programming and sustainability Arexpo. “Lendlease’s mission is to create places where communities can thrive. MIND is this, a city of the future to live in today. It is important to give a voice to children, young people and their ideas, not only to absorb a vision and inspiration about the world of tomorrow, but also to make MIND already today the prototype of an inclusive, sustainable and empathetic city”, emphasizes Domenico D’Alessio, Marketing Director Europe Lendlease.

Competition “A City in MIND. The Senses of the City” for primary and middle schools

Discover all the works proposed:

The challenge to which they responded about 400 children/s – boys/ with their projects was to present solutions, ideas and proposals, creative and innovative, that used a multisensory perspective to promote social and environmental sustainability in the city of the future and at the same time promote accessibility, with a focus on people with sensory fragility or disabilities. There were 32 classes of schools in Baranzate, Bollate, Borgoforte, Calolziocorte, Como, Fagnano Olona, Milan, Rho, Siziano, Vertova. Seven schools that with their projects have won 9,000 euros in prizes for the purchase of teaching equipment and laboratory. 

Primary School Category: Class 2A of the Scuola Primaria Paritaria Istituto Buon Pastore Milano with the project “A Noisy city”, a game to raise awareness of the sounds and noises of the city. Class 3A and 3B of the Istituto Comprensivo di Vertova – Scuola primaria di Fiorano Al Serio (BG) with the project “Tra la terra… a treasure”, a path on biodiversity with various activities, including an educational garden and cooking activities, using the five senses. Class 5A Scuola Primaria Paritaria Istituto Buon Pastore Milano with “A blind city”, a game in which tactile sensory perceptions are used to create a drawing. Prizes of 2,000, 1,500 and 1,000 euros respectively.

Category I Grade Secondary Schools: 1 category 1B I.C. Como Centro Città – Scuola Secondaria G. Parini with the project “Con occhi diversi”, a multi-sensory exhibition accessible on the artists Yayoi Kusama and Alda Merini. 2 Classed 3G I.C. by Calolziocorte (LC) – Carenno Secondary with “We highlight” the objectives of sustainability”, a set of 17 lamps inspired by the 2030 Agenda Objectives. Third place – ex aequo classe 2A Olona International School of Fagnano Olona with “Shopping in the future”, a new idea of green and sustainable shopping center, with an attention to sensory perceptions. Third classified ex aequo, classes 3A, 3B and 3C I.C.S. Gianni Rodari – Secondary School of 1 Galileo Galilei grade of Baranzate with “Sensory Labyrinth”, accessible paths and designed to stimulate the different senses, through the use of particular materials and textures. Prizes of 2.000, 1.500 and 1.000 euros (500€ for each of the two ex aequo).

The Competition created by Fondazione Triulza, was sponsored by ASviS – Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development and the Pact of Municipalities North West Milan. Thanks to the collaboration of Fondazione Triulza with Microsoft in the next edition of MIND Education there will be a special award, supported by Microsoft, for elementary and middle schools.

Contest for high school “A Claim for MIND Education”

During the event were also awarded the upper classes who voluntarily decided to make a video for the Contest “A Claim for MIND Education”. The videos were made outside school hours and after participating in one or more of the seven PCTO meetings of vertical and sectoral insights with 50 representatives of the world of profit and non-profit enterprises, research, universities, of ITS involving 700 students from 36 classes of higher education in Lombardy. The three classes in the ranking have been honored with a guided tour of MIND and the first classified with a visit to the JRC laboratories of Ispra of the European Commission: 1 person classified Class 4B Liceo Artistico Lucio Fontana di Arese,  IISS Bertrand Russell of Garbagnate Milanese and IISS Informatics Sector of ITIS Paleocapa of Bergamo. Class 5ID.

Call 4 Ideas for thesis on microplastics

Finally, four dissertations by the University of Milan and the Polytechnic of Milan, which participated in the Call 4 Ideas to develop awareness and research in the field of microplastics and deepen the impact on health and on the environment. For the University of Milan, the thesis of Nicolò Siena – “Assessment of sub-lethal effects induced by microplastics of Polylactic Acid (PLA) on Daphnia” – and of Ahmed Nbiga – “An Investigation of microplastic contamination in beach sediments from Alpine and Subalpine Italian lakes” – of the Faculty of Science and Technology. For the Politecnico di Milano the first prize of 1,500 euros was awarded to the thesis of Arianna Vismara – “Development of Coarse-Grain Models for in silico Study of Nanoplastics and Protein Corona: Analysis of the Interactions with Peptides and the Lipid Membrane” – and the second prize of 1,000 euros for Giorgia Galvani’s thesis – “Coarse model development – Grain for the in silico study of the interaction between nanoplastics and human proteins” – of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering.

The juries

The jury of the Contest A City in MIND, Contest A claim for MIND Education and Call 4 Ideas on microplastics participated: Chloe Larsay, Communication Manager – San Donato Group; Diego Rubolini, Professor in Ecology Dip. Environmental Sciences and Policies – University of Milan; Douglas Gilliland, Synthesis and Characterisation Team Leader – JCR Joint Research Centre of the European Commission of Ispra (VA); Edoardo Nardella, Art Director – Arexpo; Fabrizio Pregliasco, Direttore Sanitario – IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi – Sant’Ambrogio; Felice Romeo Consigliere – Fondazione Triulza; Giulia Bonisoli, Public Realm Development Manager – Lendlease; Giuliana Coccia, Referente Gdl Goal 1-10 – Gdl Goal 8 – ASviS- Italian Agency for Sustainable Development; Giuseppe Banfi, Scientific Director – IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital – Sant’Ambrogio; Giuseppina Cleffi, Guidance Office – Politecnico di Milano; Ilaria Mariani, Communication Manager – Arexpo; Marta Nathansohn Communication Manager – Human Technopole; Mauro Capitanio, Commercial Director, Programming and Sustainability – Arexpo; Riccardo Guidetti, Mobility Manager and Project Coordinator Città Studi Campus Sostenibile – Università degli Studi di Milano; Simone Vesentini, Associate Professor Dip. of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering – Politecnico di Milano.

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