Fondazione Triulza officially becomes a Third Sector Organization

June 12th 2024. Fondazione Triulza has been admitted to the Single National Register of the Third Sector

Fondazione Triulza has successfully registered as Third Sector Organizationin the Single National Third Sector Register (RUNTS), following the Third Sector Reform which regulated the world of associations and other non-profit entities. Becoming a Third Sector Organization means respecting a series of obligations on internal democracy, transparency, employment, insurance, destination of profits, in order to access exemptions and economic and fiscal advantages, such as incentives.

We changed our name but not our mission!

This acknowledgement also widens the opportunities of Fondazione Triulza to participate in certain Calls and programs to carry on with our activities in a better and more impactful way.

The reform regulates all types of Third Sector Organizations (in italian, ETS). We have now a common definition for different subjects: small organizations, national networks, social cooperatives, philanthropic organizations that pursue civic, solidarity and non-profit social purposes.

The reform has established a single, public and telematic register, containing the main information about the institutions (e.g. tax code, administrators’ personal data, indication of whether or not it is a recognized association). Third Sector Organizations (ETS) are recognized as non-commercial or commercial organizations, constituted as an Association, Committee, Foundation or enterprise that, pursuing civic, solidarity and social utility purposes, are characterised by the exclusive or principal performance of one or more activities of general interest and by the absence of profit. They are regulated by the Third Sector Code, which also defines the list of activities of general interest, the performance of different activities and the modalities of registration in the Single National Third Sector Register (RUNTS).

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