Le CHALLENGE Smart City & Sustainability di BOSCH per l’Hackathon rivolto ai GIOVANI innovatori

Aperte le iscrizioni . 6 mesi di stage in palio. Hack&Go!" si svolgerà il 14 e 15 ottobre 2020

In questa pagina vengono illustrate le Challenge proposte da BOSCH, utili per la scelta del percorso che i candidati dovranno esplicitare al momento dell’iscrizione e per lo sviluppo in team del progetto durante l’Hackathon Hack&Go! che si svolgerà il 14 e il 15 ottobre 2020.

Per conoscere tutte le informazioni sulle modalità di partecipazione, il regolamento, le challenge del percorso WINDTRE, i promotori e partner dell’iniziativa tornare alla pagina dedicata ad HackGo! da questo LINK.

Le CHALLENGE Smart City & Sustainability di BOSCH

Gli studenti e team che vorranno candidarsi allo sviluppo delle challenge proposte da BOSCH dovranno lavorare con gli strumenti proposti da Bosch.IO che ha illustrato Josua Rueckert, Senior Digital Sales Manager Bosch.IO, e sviluppare delle soluzioni in risposta delle challege presentate dalle aziende partner: Antas, Idea Planet-Planet Smart City, Lendlease e IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi.

Tutte le informazioni sono state illustrate durante il Bootcamp Hack&Go! del 27 luglio.

BOSCH IoT SUITE – Product overview

Custom extensions and applications

  • Business logic toolbox
  • Device & software management, data management
  • Digital twin/unified device API based on Vorto information models
  • Connectivity/ device communication

Challenge ANTAS

  1. Best-in-class service: from the planning to execution and measurement of savings. In order to optimize consumption and ensure constant control, we are committed to strengthening remote control, and perfecting operational budgeting. We have also automated the monthly sending to all area managers and contract managers of a report containing detailed information on costs specific for each contract. Furthermore, we are developing a project entirely dedicated to energy optimization and thanks to a specific recovery plan for those contracts that require it, we aim to bring them to excellence from all points of view (economic, consumption, etc.)
  2. Save energy to reduce CO2-emissions & increase the value of our customers’ assets. A scrupulous control is necessary to guarantee energy saving; for this reason we are internalising the energy purchasing process, with the purpose of always obtaining the best price for gas and electric energy.
  3. Ensure the continuous availability of all utilities providing maximum flexibility.
  4. Operational excellence embedding our values: safety first, environmental protection, intellectual honesty, collaboration, training, trust and transparency. In order to reach the operational excellence we are developing some projects pertaining to different areas. The most important ones are those regarding the digitalization of the core processes, such as the energy billing check, the digitalization of personal data for a well structured HR management system, a new way in the management of the corporate communication and the implementation of a database containing documents, contracts, procedures etc, the creation of a system which tests the requirements during the tender phase.
  5. Glocal: combine benefits of central process standardization while staying close to customers. We are revising the function delegating system in the field of security in order to be more present on the territory, moving from a centralized control at the headquarters to a peripheral control on the contracts. We are also raising the awareness of the secretaries for the digitalization of the goods entry, so that it is done on site.


1. Scope: public space, work, leisure

Context: the importance of community spaces for socialising, taking part in leisure activities, or simply to enjoy outdoor areas, has been revived as a result of unforeseen restrictions on people’s movements. More than ever, outdoor areas are being used for new activities such as work and study, as well as for recreation. It has, therefore, become increasingly necessary for such spaces to feature infrastructure which is adapted to these new needs.

Challenge: Planet Idea invites participants to find infrastructural solutions to accommodate new needs within open areas, as follows: identify what activities spaces should be equipped for, define the daily timings of possible activities, pinpoint ways to monitor activities carried out, and identify additional equipment and services that are required.

2. Scope: purchasing groups

Context: people are often aware of initiatives that require organisational efforts to aggregate demand and ensure cost optimisation for those selling a service or product. In this context, use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile devices can help speed up the process of sharing and managing operations.

Challenge: Planet Idea invites participants to help ensure the success of initiatives by finding solutions to aggregate the demand for shared opportunities


1. Post-covid urban living – «Open-air spaces: work & play»

  • Connectivity needed everywhere, or disconnected areas
  • Enable open air meetings while keep indoor comforts
  • Assess citizen’s health conditions while keeping their data secure

2. New mobility – «The parking after parking»

  • Availability of sensors and cameras
  • Parking infrastructure capable to enable autonomous parking
  • Less private cars, multiple mobility modes
  • Electric vehicles and smart charging infrastructure
  • Adaptive re-use and modularity

3. Digital building – «Data-driven office operating model»

  • Optimize productivity (space management, incident management, lift management, etc.)
  • Optimize well-being
  • Optimize customer experience


The following are some of Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi’s challenges to achieve «the hospital of the future»

  1. We want to make the hospital more “human”. What solutions do you propose to make the Patient experience even more personal, and to achieve our goal of putting the Patient at the center? How to give the patient the feeling that one is always assisted, followed and cared for?
  2. A substantial part of the time that our outpatients are in hospital is spent waiting for something or someone. What solutions do you propose to achieve “the hospital without waiting”, getting rid of wasted time in all points of the hospital?
  3. As well as for operational purposes, recent events teach us that we must guarantee the necessary distance between people at all times. What solutions do you propose to let the administration know at any time how many people are in the different hospital environments, to ensure a suitable number and guarantee the necessary distance?
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